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Rabu, 28 November 2012

Cita Dalam Asa

Cita Dalam Asa
                                                            (Ketika ku atuskan cita-citaku kala keputus-asaan mendera batinku)
                                                                                                            baiq nurya hidayati
Aku ingin berlari
Membawa kakiku sejauh mungkin
Mengajak raga dan fikiranku beradu dengan para petarung ilmu
Tapi aku ragu
Aku ingin berlari
Menyembunyikan wajah sendu nan memalukan
Dari tatapan sangar para pengibas buku
Aku ingin berlari
Menutup diri yang terbalut rasa takut
Dari sindir sinis penyair muda dengan sajak cerca yang mereka hantamkan padaku
                   Aku ingin berlari
                   Membawa fikiranku
                   Menempatkannya pada ketenangan dalam syahdu symphoni kedamaian
Aku ingin berlari
Memalingkan gulatan debaran jantung dan gemetar tubuhku
Menyembunyikan diri dari para saintis muda yang haus akan ilmu
Takut membalut relung
Resah memboikot jiwa
Gundah mendera-dera
Cemas meremas-remas
Namun angan berkata
Gapai cita dalm asa
Sadar bahwa aku mampu
Saat cahya mentari hantarkan semangat baru
Saat angin pagi menerpa sebersir rasa ragu
Saat kemilau embun berbisik merdu
                      Karena disinilah aku
                      Bertahan di tengah pusaran badai persaingan
                      Semangatku tak akan jatuh dan takkan pernah runtuh

*The song of the heart…
When I’m really worried about my future…*                    


Senin, 12 November 2012

Puisi Ibu

Muara Cinta Ibu
                                                                                (FOR MY BELOVED INAQ)
Tetesan kasih sayang ibu mengguyur duniaku
Gemercik syahdu mengalun merdu
Menyejukkan hati yang haus akan rindu
Ibu, dengarlah senandung dari hatiku untukmu
                Derai hujan kasih sayang ibu menghujam sepiku
                Hadirkan senyuman pelangi menatap lugu
                Tersipu aku malu, ingin segera ku dekap dirimu
                Ibu, kau warna terindah dalam hidupku
Aliran kasih sayang ibu sepanjang sungai liku-liku
Menari-nari dalam pusaran
Menerjang batu-batu penghalang
Demi aku buah hatimu
Ibarat sampan kayu yang ingin kau hantarkan ke pelabuhan
Ibu, dengan apa ku balas kasih sucimu ?
                Engkaulah pelabuhan cintaku
                Tempat berlabuh segala rindu
                Dan cintamu oh ibu bermuara di hatiku
                Muara cinta ibu bergenang dijiwaku
Kasihmu sebening salju
Seputih awan di langit biru
Suci bersih tak berdebu
Tulus cintamu kan berbuah
Berbuah surga firdaus sebagai hadiah
Aku Mencintaimu, Ibu.

Puisi Motivasi

Coretan Senja

Ya allah, aku yakin Kau beri medan yang  semakin berat karena Kau percaya aku mampu menghadapinya.
Terkadang aku sering mengeluh “Aku lelah”, aku sering berdesah “Huh”, menghela nafas berulang-ulang kala ku BOSAN. Yah, bosan!
Tetapi wahai ya Rabb, dzat Yang Maha tahu. Kobaran semangat jiwaku untuk berjihad di medan ilmu-Mu ini tak kan pernah padam. Lelah, desah dan kebosanan kadang memang mendera. Namun, itu takkan mampu memadamkannya.
Ya Allah ya tuhanku yang menggenggam jiwaku ini. Aku akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk membahagiakan orang tuaku. Ridhai jalan ku. Ridhai setiap jejak langkahku. Ridhailah ya Rabb. Bimbing aku. Bina aku. Terangi aku dan bantu aku menghadapi semua, bantu aku melewati jalan liku-liku berbatu yang penuh duri yang membuat nyilu.
Ya Allah hambamu ini sangat-sangat mencintaimu
Lindungilah setiap langkah kakiku Ya Rabb
Ridhailah selalu kemanapun aku melangkah
Terangi jalanku dengan Cahya suciMU yang tak pernah padam
Bimbinglah aku selalu dalam cinta-MU
Biarkan jejak-jejakku terukir indah selalu
Biarkan aku menyingkirkan duri dan onak yang menghadang
Izinkan aku menapakkan kakiku pada tempat yang KAU tujukan
Hingga tiba saatnya ku harus membujur kaku
merintih lesu
dalam rindu ingin bertemu denganMU

The Legend Of Golog Stone

The Legend of Golog Stone
Part 1 ( At home )

Once upon a time, there was a family of farmers. The father's name was Amaq Lembain and the mother's name was Inaq Lembain. They had two children, a son and a daughter. Their son name was Amin and Their daughter name was Aminah. They lived happily. The parents really loved their children. Every time they went farming, they always brought they children to the rice fields.One day the father went to the market to sell their harvest Meanwhile, the mother went to the rice field alone to pound the rice. And as always, she brought the children to the rice field.

Father    : "Please take care of our children. I won't to be long in the market. I will go to the rice      field after I finish selling the harvest,".
Mother  : "I will be careful dear ,, don’t worry,"  My son…my daughter , stop playing and come  here. Your father call you all ..
Children : okay moooom ,,
Father   : I’ll go to the market and I’ll be back soon, help your mom in the rice field . don’t be naughty child okay ,, please obey to your mom
Children : Okay father ..
Father : good boy ,, good girl !!
               well my dear ,, I have to go now .. bye,,
mother : okay dear ,, becareful on the way
Father : yes , I will.

Part 2 ( On the way to the rice field )
Mother : my belove child ,, please help me to prepare the tools that we need to pound the rice
Daughter : what can I do for you mom ?
Mother : Please bring a pounder , rice seeds ,  and also  some food to luch there
Daughter : okay mom ,
Son : And how about me mom ?
Mother : Just help your sister prepare it son.
Son : Okay…..
Mother : are you done ?
Children : yes mom..
Mother : Let’s we go now ,,
They went to the rice field happily ,,
But suddenly the rice seeds was fell down, and their mother become very angry.

Mother : what did you do ,, look ! the rice seeds was fell down because of you, so what we can plant now , please enjoy this as for your sanction !
Chidren : Sorry mom ,, forgive us ,, sorry ,,, sorry ,, sorry
Mother : Take it now !!
Children : Okkay mom .
Part 3 ( At the rice field )

 After ten minute they arrived at the rice field

Mother : my beloved children , please sitting on this stone , wait me here and don’t go anywhere. I want to pound the rice ,and don’t be naughty okay ?
Children : Yes Mom.

Later the mother was busy pounding the rice. It was quite noisy. Strangely, every time the mother pounded the rice, the stone where the children were sitting down was growing. The children were scared. They screamed.

Daughter : Oh my brother , , look that ! our mother become smaller ..  
Son            : No my sister ,, our mother not become smaller but this stone is getting taller
Daughter : Oh No……….. ..Mother ? The Stone is getting taller.
Son           : Mom……. Help us! , we’re scare , the stone is getting taller.

The mother could not hear them well.

Mother            : "Just the minutes kids, I will finish this soon,"
Son                  : "But mom, the stone is getting taller. We were scared,"
Daughter        :   Help us, help us, help us mom……..(crying )
Mother            : "Be patient, I will finish pounding the rice soon,

Again, she could not hear them well. It was repeated again and again.

Daughter : Please mom, help us ,, the stone getting taller and taller ,, help us mom, help us ,,
Mother   : wait a minute kids ,, I’m really busy , don’t disturb me , please be patient dear !
Son          : Take me oh my mom golog stone getting taller…
                Help us mom ,, please help us …

The golog stone was getting taller taller and taller and finally it reached the clouds. The children could not be seen it anymore.

When the mother finished pounding the rice, she was shocked! She could not find her children.

Mother : Amin ,,,, Aminahh,,,,,, please take me a beverage I’m thirsty 3x….. Are you deaf ??             

Mother :my son , where are you ??
               my daughter , where are you ??
               where are you my beloved children ??

She was crying. She then prayed to God. She wanted to bring her children down but she did not know how to do it.

Mother :  Oh my God ,, how can I bring my children to go down , I’m really disappointed , please give me a miracle , Oh God , help me !??

 God answered her pray. She had to use the rice pounder to cut down the Golog stone.

Then she hit the stone with the rice pounder.

Amazingly, the stone broke down into three pieces. The first part fell in an area which later called Gembong Village. The second part fell in area which was later named Dasan Batu, and the last part fell in area which later was named Montong Teker.
 Unfortunately, the two children could not come back to their mother.
They had changed into a couple of birds.